Friday, November 11, 2011

the filme.1

Here are a few studies for a short film I am making. Some head shapes and body type explorations as well as a more thorough design.  They are very early designs, really far from the final result.


  1. duuuuuuuuudeeee these are awesome!!! love all the designs :)

  2. abe... my character is the exact same...

  3. nice!! i love all that process work man!

  4. Thanks guys, I hope I can add the more refined designs. Soon !

  5. Great character concept! face design reminds me of Andre medina :) I love your painting too!

  6. Thanks everyone, I hope to post more film stuff very soon!
    Nicholas: Thanks dude, Andre Medina is the man!
    Jeremy:Your too kind. I am trying to vary in styles so with each variant that I do I try to push colours as far as I can. So far I feel that haven't even scratched the surface. But I remain optimistic!
